
I wrote this post for you "Attitude of an
Internet Entrepreneur" .. however I haven't had a
chance to come online much .... it has been a
hectic week making a 4 day round trip to London
attending a 5K mastermind with my mentor Shaqir
Hussyin, a 25 years old Internet Millionaire.

Then back to Sydney Australia and a few days
later, while overcoming jetag ... taking my family
to snow, keeping my promise to the kids.


ernest snow

It was my first time to London and crazy for me to
go there just for a 2 days 5K Mastermind. You
should look at the custom officer's face asking me
various question why am i there only for 4 days ..
especially having flown all the way from Sydney

It was totally out of my comfort zone to make that
decision especially after spending 3 weeks in a
15K Mastermind in Costa Rica. 

You may have know that I have a day job currently
and taking extra leave can be challenging to
justify to your boss. However I've come to
realised that is one of the true meaning of being
and Entrepreneur is, while making the trip to

Before I go further.... allow me to ask you a
When you wanted to do something, 

go for a holiday, 
buy something nice for yourself
kids wanted a really nice toy
provide your family a better life
When an opportunity, product or services is
available, what do you tell yourself?

Answer to self 1 : I can't afford it.
Answer to self 2 : Let's see what I can do to make
this happen.

If your answer is 1 .. I can totally understand
that .. simply because that's what I tell myself
not too distance ago and I still do sometimes when
I didn't catch my thoughts fast enough.

This is what I commonly hear from my own parents
that got me to think this way as well ..... and
what got me really uncomfortable is I said this
very same thing " I can't afford it" to my first
born child when she wanted a really nice toy.

Having heard and "program" from my parents ... I
wanted to be aware and careful to impart the
correct mindset to my children.

You see ... when we say " I can't afford it .. "
the journey ends there. No further action is taken
from there.

However when I change my attitude for such
situation to "Let see what I can do to make this

The story doesn't end there and it triggers the
act of creative thinking.

As I see the value of working closely with my
mentor in London, I got creative with my thinking.
Mind you I have promised my children to take them
to the snow as well, and I am willing to do
whatever it takes to keep that promise while
making the trip to London.

The last thing on my mind is to cancel the leave
I've taken for the snow trip. I am not ready to
let my children down ... not now or ever.

I decide to make up work hours and make certain
adjustment and started to propose to my boss about
it, and he was happy for me to do so, taking
additional leave. Mind you the solution didn't
come overnight .... It took me 2 weeks to come out
of a solution and I literally loose sleep over it.

Key Lesson : 
An Entrepreneur is not bound by his/her resource,
circumstance and situation

Instead an Entrepreneur is trained to be

Please read the sentence over and over until it
sink into you.

Yes I know you've subscribe to my mailing list
wanting to learn more about internet marketing. 

Please hear me out.... I sincerely care for your
success and I've have started from scratch .... in
fact I still have a day job and working part time
on this to eventually replace my job.

Everyday I asked myself what can I share with you
in order to add value to your life so that you can
be, do have whatever you want.

And I spend 30min and most of time up to 2hrs just
to compose this email so that it speaks from my
heart to yours.

It may not be what you WANT to hear or read about
.... but I want to focus on what you NEED to hear
in order to ripe lasting and sustainable results,
be it in this programme MTTB that I am currently
in .. or any other opportunities.

So here goes I do want to tell you this .....
learning internet marketing is all about the "How
To ... "

With all the "How To..." and so called " cool
technic and strategies ... " .... if one do not
have the correct attitude to approach it ..... it
will be useless to you as well.

I know that becuase last 4 years before coming
across MTTB .... I've invested over 50K worth of
system and programs ...... now looking back ... I
know they all work, the missing bit is my attitude
and the mindset between my ears that is stopping
me from moving forward.

Do consider this to start telling yourself this
statement whenever you come to a cross road
towards your dream.

Tell yourself " Let's see what I can do to make
this happen."

If you've read to this point of the mail , I thank
you for taking time and I hope it is of great
value to you. 

On the way back from London, with more than 50K
invested in my education for Internet Marketing ..
I want to give back to you as my friend and
subscriber... I understand the frustration and
urgency you experience when you want to make
something happen for yourself and your family
financially ... in fact I went broke and
frustrated earning $500 over 2 years to now over
$45K over 7 months while still having a day job.

For the next 30 days I am committed to speak to 2
of my subscriber everyday to help you move forward
in the internet marketing space.

If you been wanting help and had no one to speak
to you.. Here is your chance. What you can do is
follow the steps below.

Step 1 : Click here to Fill up this survey as
detailed as you can 

Step 2 : In about 48hrs after reading your input
... I'll contact you personally on your preferred
channel of communication, and we will talk about
what you want to achieve and how I can be of
assistance to you.

Time is very limited for me .... however I am more
than willing to do this with you. Just so you know
... this email goes to my entire mailing list ...
so if you want in .... don't miss out and fill up
this survey right away as I am sure there is going
to be a long Queue. 

Look forward to speak with you.
Ernest Lim
ernest nutcracker

PS : If you have not .. join my newly created
facebook group where I'll share details of what
I've learn so that you can start an online
business while still working in a job.

PPS : Remember to fill up the survey as detailed
as you can .... that way you will help me to help
you better.